How to install Burp Suite Professional for free on windows

How to install Burp Suite Professional for free on windows

 Burp Suite Professional for free on windows

To install Burp Suite, simply run the installer and select your preferred options in the installation wizard. This process should be relatively self-explanatory. For the best experience with Burp Suite Professional, we recommend using a machine with at least 8 GB of memory and 2 CPU cores.

Things that you will need:

Check: java -version

Steps to install Burp Suite Pro cracked on Windows:

1) Download and Install (if not installed): Java (Java 8 is fine, use open source or official [recommended]):https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk8-binaries/releases/download/jdk8u292-b10/OpenJDK8U-jdk_x64_windows_hotspot_8u292b10.msi

2) Download Burp Suite files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19eK05Jpu2lqlgdhRxUt7UCWw0QsSByGy/view?usp=sharing

3) Open file: burp-loader-keygen
4) Click: Run
5) Wait till burp loads and show the Enter License Key Screen
6) Now copy License from file burp-loader-keygen
7) Paste it in Burp Suite.
8) Click on Next
9) Click on Manual Activation
10) Copy: Activation Request from Burp Suite that is copy request
11) Past it into a burp-loader-keygen file
12) You’ll receive Activation Response.
13) Copy Activation Response from burp-loader-keygen file and paste it in Burp Suite.
14) Click on Next and then Finish.
15) Now every time to open the burp suite open the burp-loader-keygen file and click on Run.

How to open the installed Burp Suite Pro?

Search Notepad in the Windows search bar, open it, and paste the following command:

java -javaagent:BurpSuiteLoader_v2021.6.2.jar -noverify -jar burpsuite_pro_v2021.6.2.jar

Go to File > Save As... and open the folder you extracted earlier. Save the file there as: BurpLoader.bat. Remember to select All Files in the Save as type option as shown:

Now whenever you want to open Burp Suite, just double click on your BurpLoader.bat file.

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