How to Start Programing for Free: Tips for Self-learners and Absolute Beginners

How to Start Programing for Free: Tips for Self-learners and Absolute Beginners


How to Start Programming for Free: Tips for Self-learners and Absolute Beginners

If you want to learn to program, one of the first things you'll need is a good programming language. But which one? Famous languages such as C++ and Java have steep learning curves and are difficult to master, but they also offer more power than other languages. There are many others, though, that are easier to learn but still powerful enough for most projects. Here's a look at your best options.

1. A programming language is a way of communicating with your computer.

Programming languages are a way of communicating with your computer. To make it simpler, it’s just a way for you to tell your computer what to do.
This is the most popular programming language used. It has also the most libraries and frameworks. It’s important to understand that this is a programming language for your computer, not just for you to use.
Ruby is a high-level, elegant programming language with some additional power, like modules written in a DSL (Domain Specific Language). It’s known for its lazy evaluation and friendly, approachable, and approachable community.
C# is high-level, performant, code-light, object-oriented, and dynamic. It’s a superset of C++, adding functionality and power on top of the language. Another huge advantage of the C# language is its support for inter-procedural formal verification.
Erlang is a distributed, fault-tolerant, secure, performant, programming language. It’s one of the most popular languages for software development. It’s written in Erlang and although it’s a general-purpose language, it’s specific to applications that deal with complex concurrent and distributed systems.
C++ is a high-level, elegant, and powerful programming language with full object-oriented capabilities. C++ is a superset of C, creating a more powerful, easy-to-use, and flexible experience for developing and maintaining software applications.
Java is based on the principles and syntax of C++. Originally created by the founder of Java-John-Ritaever, and released in 1998. Java improved upon C++ with features such as pointers, dynamic typing, exceptions, and generics. Java is a low-level, low-probability programming language, and an approachable way to learn but can also be super powerful.
PHP is a scripting language mainly used for writing web applications. PHP supports attributes, semi-colons, and file inclusion. PHP EOT is integrated with SOAPWeb so that PHP can read structured data over raw JSON data. PSR-7 and PSR-8 are two prominent features of PHP.
No matter which language you choose, there are always people out there telling you that you should learn more languages.

2. The first step to choosing the right programming language for you is to understand what makes a programming language great.

A programming language is great if it’s easy to learn, easy to read, and easy to write. When a programming language is easy to learn, that means that it has a straightforward syntax and a small set of keywords. The language should also lend itself to quick iteration and to adding and changing functionality as you need it.
While other languages, such as C and Java, have concepts and syntax that are unknown to many people, most programmers can grasp the syntaxes of these languages and at least understand the language’s most notable concepts.
A programming language’s power stems from the way you use it. Languages that are easy to use provide flexibility. Take a look at this example:
How many side effects can you derive from the code above? How can you add new functionality on the fly?
The language you choose for your project determines how you can structure your code, and it also determines what the code is for. Some languages are great at one thing, while others excel at another. This varies widely, of course, but the freedom to pick a language depending on the kind of project you’re working on is very appealing.
In languages such as C++ and Java, the language is specified at design time, which means that once it’s decided what features you want in the language, you have to figure out how to implement them. Your project may be a complex one, so it may be wise to focus on the language you have confidence in. For example, you may want to write a game, but you may get an outline of the features that need to exist on the game’s UI. In that case, you’d choose C or Java based on their flexibility.
Some languages, though, provide a pre-defined set of features you can choose if you have even a limited understanding of the language.

3. To get started in programming, choose a high-level language that will be easy to pick up and allow you to focus on learning the basics first.

If you’re interested in programming, the most important thing to do is start. A good way to start is to choose a high-level language that will be easy to pick up and allow you to focus on learning the basics first. Once you’ve learned the basics, you can always move on to more complicated languages later.
If you prefer writing programs in JavaScript, Python, Ruby, or R, then Python and Ruby are probably your best bet for the beginner because they’re relatively easy to learn and allow you to focus on programming ideas early. Both languages are stable and have maintained active development communities. If you like writing in languages other than those listed here, that’s also a great choice.
There’s no denying that C++ is extremely hard to learn. It took me nine months to master C++ and even then, there is so much that is tricky and you could end up writing one of C++’s many legacy projects, and depending on whether your employer wants to teach it to you, you could still fail. But it’s still one of the best languages to learn if you think you’ll get interested in programming and programming language exploration.
There’s also the argument that Mark Zuckerberg chose to study Computer Science in California and started programming at the age of five. However, there are some indications that he took a slow and gentle approach towards programming. He often took breaks, suffered from headaches, and felt unable to complete challenging assignments.
If you’re interested in programming at an early age, we recommend CSS-CXX, a revised edition of the CSS programming language developed by the CSS Working Group as part of the CSS specification. You can learn more about it on the Mozilla Developer Network.
One of the great advantages of R is that it’s easy to learn, but there are also serious performance issues to be aware of. Things like parallelization can get complicated quickly, so it’s best to wait until you’re at least confident in your chosen R language before jumping in.

4. Once you've learned how to program, consider moving up to a more powerful language later on if you want more features or require greater power and control over your programs.

Another great thing about getting into game development is that you get to learn how to program. Once you’ve learned how to program, consider moving up to a more powerful language later on if you want more features or require greater power and control over your programs.
Some languages are more suited to certain types of programming than others. Some languages are intended mainly for beginners while others are more suitable for more experienced developers or those who are looking for a change of pace. The ones on this list are compatible with a wide range of programming styles as well, so pick the one you’d prefer.
C is an old favorite of many game developers as it’s a relatively easy language to learn and can be a great starting point for learning programming. Most of the useful features of C are built into libraries so it’s easy to learn and use without having to memorize tons of complicated functions. C wasn’t originally intended to be a high-level programming language, but it has evolved into one and it’s a good starting point for learning programming.
As you may already know, the Unity3D game engine is based on C. As a result, most of the features of C are available in Unity, and you can even switch away from it and learn another language completely if you’d like to. C# is a more compiled-in, high-level language, which makes it suitable for higher-level programming of games.
If you’re looking for a language like C that starts easy, Void is the perfect choice for you. It starts with a minimalistic syntax that isn’t the most intimidating, but that still gets the job done. Void supports macros and allows you to add variables or use advanced features on the fly without having to know anything about them. It is a relatively simple language, but still very powerful and valuable as a starter language for any kind of game development.

My name is Dipesh and I am a self-taught white hat hacker and a commerce graduate from Nepal, Currently working for some well-known Youtube.