How to Install Trape in Termux Without Root your Device

How to Install Trape in Termux Without Root your Device


Install Trape in Termux 

Termite is a terminal emulator for Android devices. Termite lets you access your systems console or terminal and provides a command-line interface on your phone or tablet. Termite isn't just another shell, it's an entire Linux distribution that is running on your Android device! In this post, we will discuss how to install the Trape tool in termux without a rooted device and the main usage of the trape tool. The Trape is a security tool that helps you monitor, control, and audit logins on any Linux/UNIX-based system.

first install temux black


chmod +x install.sh
./install.sh -i

Now install trape
apt install trape
it will taking while to install

Now it will ask you ngrok token
  • open chrome browser
  • and search ngrok
  • click on Ngrok
  • Sign up with you gmail account and go to dasboard copy token
  • And again back to terminal and past ngrok token
  • now It will ask you to instal map api key
  • open chrome and search google search console and follow the video
  • when you generate api key from google cloud console copy and paste in terminal
  • next it will ask you google link shortneer skep
  • now it will ask you google api key
  • then go on ipgeolocation
  • Now sign up
  • you will get api key copy
  • Now Get back to terminal and past
  • you will get control panel link and password
  • copy control pannel link past in goole
  • and enter you password/key
  • now you will get link this link you should send to victim and try to make his convence to click on that link
  • Now watch the video and follow the methods

1. What is Trape tool and How to install Trape tool in Termux without Root Device

Trape is a powerful Android packet sniffer that is used to capture the traffic that flows on your device. It is a powerful tool to analyze the traffic for security and network diagnosis. It is available for Android. Trape is a command-line tool. So, we can install it using the command-line interface in Termux.

If you are attending Linux Networking Conference 2019 in Montreal and want to try Termux a cool IoT tool on your Android device without having to apply the hassle of rooting. There are a bunch of Limewire USB devices available on the market to sniff traffic. But, I am more comfortable trying out the SSH clients than the RNDIS recording devices. Limewire devices provide flexible algorithms and they are available on the market. But, I prefer the SSH clients for sniffing the terminal. Even though Limewire devices use the OTA software update to provide the latest security updates, it is tedious to manage the OTA software update routine for the Limewire USB devices. This is a problem with other IoT devices. Connecting to a mass remote management platform like Kubernetes or Docker from the OTA software update is much easier than connecting with the OTA software update button on the Limewire USB device. So, we will use Trape as an alternative to the Limewire devices which provide hardware OTA update capability without any hassle. Trape allows you to sniff TCP/UDP packets on your network. It is also useful to monitor network activity over a period. With only a few clicks we will connect Trape to our Android phone and its main home page will open.
When you click on the Install button, a pop-up window will appear. Next, we will prompt to Connect to Trape. Connect to Trape using a local network or Ethernet. Give the account permissions to install Termux and its applications. The installation will be done. The installation process will take few minutes to complete. During that time, a small notification will appear on your screen showing the current Version Number.

2. How to use Trape Tool in Termux without root device

This is the easiest way of making the android app “Trape” work in Termux. All you need to do is download the APK available at the link, and then run the command... “apk add” “Trape”
After it will finish downloading, open the Termux app and run the command... “start trape”
This will start the trape tool (a Linux service) and you can see that the terminal is open at “termux-console”.
Now you can navigate your terminal!
Key Features that Termite brings to Termux: ​1️⃣ Auto Termux configuration management
Termite now gives you the option to create all your custom Auto Termux configuration files easily with one click. And you don’t need to do any searching for some good config files.
Just choose which files and templates you would like to use and you are done!
With the config files you will be able to auto start Termux with a command you add to your Termux startup file. So you can access your Termux terminals/displays instantly! Open your YouTube app and type in the following auto-starter-script...
and you are done!
2️⃣ Gaps in Termux GUI’s Features that Termite fills
As insider.com’s editor Deepti Priya wrote an article about this, check out the article here. Here is a short summary of the points she covered
Instead of having “Client” integration, Termux now has something cool-looking, Just type in the following auto starter script...

3. Main usage of Trape Tool in Termux

The Trape tool is a tool that is included in the termux package and can be used to monitor network activity on your Android device. It can be used to observe the data sent and received by an application, both in real-time and historically.
The below command will show you the available commands in Termux and also provides you the detailed help.
Having some knowledge about Operating System details, we can now move the main subject of this post, the Trape tool. We will be using the latest stable version of Termite. tux from the official website. We can download the latest stable version by executing the below command. Now run the below command to install Termux using the Termux. tux binary.
After Termux is installed successfully, we can launch it using the below command.
After Termux is launched, we will be presented to the listed below screens. To access the current version list, tap on the “Version” icon and scroll down to find the latest Termite build.
Now we have Termux running with Termite. TIP: To see a list of available commands, tap on the “help” button in Termux and then a list of available commands will appear.
1. Find the name of any Linux service running on your android device and execute the following command to see the information of its services in the past.
2. Find the name of any windows service running on your android device and execute the following command to see the information of its services in the past.
3. Find the name of any windows service that runs on Android and execute the following command to see when and where it’s run.
4. Double click on the service’s icon on the Applications Menu and see its properties.
Select the services you wish to utilize, right-click on the services and select the Manage options to view the properties screen for an individual service.
Now you are aware of all the services which your android device exposes.